The remastered Mass Effect trilogy will be released in March

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition listed for March 12 by retailers in Singapore and Indonesia

While BioWare has been remastered Mass effect trilogy is officially still aiming for a spring 2021 launch, a few retailers point to a March 12 release date for the three-in-one Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.

The GS Shop retailer has one promotional tweet with the March date, while another, Shopitree, listed the same information for the game. The retailer mentions are far from the final word on video game release dates, but in this case, Eurogamer “understands that the above date is currently accurate”.

That being said, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition had previously been rumored to be out in October, so there are no guarantees EA’s release plans won’t change again. This could very well slide back.

On my side, I plan on making time for the trilogy no matter when it comes out – I’ve been waiting for a good reason to replay Mass effect for years, and I think this is it. BioWare “updates textures, shaders, models, effects and tech features” for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, and Legendary edition will have “forward compatibility and targeted improvements” on Xbox Series X and PS5.

I wonder how shocking Mass Effect 1 will be after all this time. 2007 feels like it was forever.

@BuienRadarNL [Twitter via Eurogamer]
