The Mandalorian: One theory says that thanks to R2-D2 | was saved from Order 66 TV series | Disney Plus nnda nnlt | CHEKA

Season 2 of “The MandalorianReveals that Yellow he survived Order 66, but it is not explained who exactly could have been his salvation, given that he is still a little boy. A new theory suggests that R2-D2 could have been his small screen savior.

The introduction of Baby Yoda in the season 1 from “The MandalorianImmediately raised several questions among fans of Star Wars at the same time it became a mass phenomenon because of its tenderness. The program confirmed he had 50 years, placing his birth firmly in the era of the prequel trilogy.

Due to the general secrecy surrounding the species Yoda Which Star Wars has long been due to George Lucas, it wasn’t until season 2 from “The MandalorianThat began to explore the backstory of Yellow, a story that appeared in the episode 5 of the second part of “”.

The episode followed Ahsoka Tano and connected with The child through the power to find out their backstory. This is where fans find out that someone has saved Yellow from Order 66, the known genocide of all Jedi of the world. Who was this savior? Some fans feel that it was R2-D2 who saved him for various reasons.


Order 66 was a severe blow to the Jedi Order (Picture: Lucasfilm)
Order 66 was a severe blow to the Jedi Order (Picture: Lucasfilm)

As you remember Ahsoka told This Djarin that the real name of Baby Yoda it is Yellow and that was trained by many Jedi Masters earlier. “The MandalorianReveals that someone has saved Yellow in Coruscant during the Order 66. Ahsoka refused to train Yellow because of his attachment to Din, and sent the couple to Tython so that the sensitive child power can determine your future.

It is there that, after a moving farewell with Din, Yellow leave his father figure to join Luke skywalker Y R2-D2. Because of this, Season 2 ends without answering some questions about it Yellow. However, a brief moment at the end of the season may be enough to suggest that R2-D2 saved Yellow from Order 66.

When Luke skywalker appears at the end of the season 2 from “The MandalorianInitially, he is the only one approaching Din take away Yellow with the. It won’t be long, though R2-D2 enter the room too. The trusted droid has played a key role in the history of Star Wars, especially in the history of Luke.

Gorgu recognized R2-D2 when he came in with Luke Skywalker (Picture: Disney Plus)
Gorgu recognized R2-D2 when he came in with Luke Skywalker (Picture: Disney Plus)

And although viewers were delighted to see R2-D2 next to the old man Luke skywalker, they weren’t the only ones excited. When R2-D2 and a Yellow, begins to beep and concentrates on it. Although it is impossible to know exactly what he is saying R2-D2, there seems to be some recognition between the two.

Yellow coo and R2-D2 he starts to shake, and that moment can be read as the emotion of the little droid. It is possible that R2-D2 be happy to find the current mission Yellow is complete, but that is also possible the droid recognizes it. R2-D2 spent a lot of time Coruscant and with the Jedi order during the prequels.

This would have been the same time Yellow was also trained by the Jedi. Now him Jedi Temple It’s a big place with many members and padawans, but chances are R2-D2 Y Yellow they intersect are not beyond the reach of what is possible, so that they could meet without problems.

R2-D2 was very happy to see Grogu, perhaps because he knew him before (Picture: Disney Plus)
R2-D2 was very happy to see Grogu, perhaps because he knew him before (Picture: Disney Plus)

However, a passing knowledge of the other or a simple glance at recognizing each other could trigger the reactions viewers saw on the small screen. So,why should they possibly recognize each other and be happy to see each other?? It could be because R2-D2 played a part in the rescue Yellow.

Ahsoka confirmed that someone has saved Yellow after the rich he rose to power and hid it. This caused much speculation that someone within the Jedi order I was responsible for keeping it Yellow safe, but Ahoksa never indicates that the one Jedi. All we know is someone found it Coruscant and kept it safe.

Power R2-D2 be the one who loved Yellow safe during the Order 66? For this to be the case, the droid should be inside Coruscant around or during the time of the massacre of the Jedi order. When the Order 66 appear in “Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the SithThat is confirmed R2-D2 It is in Coruscant. The movie does not show it during the actual performances of the Jedi, but turns out to be on the ship from Anakin Skywalker when he arrives at the house of Padmé.

R2-D2 could have saved Grogu without Anakin knowing
R2-D2 could have saved Grogu without Anakin knowing

Anakin he had just finished killing the youth in the Jedi Temple and flew to see Padmé before you go to Mustafar to end the war. This suggests that R2-D2 i was with Anakin Bee Jedi Temple, and the droid behaves strangely when C-3PO approach you on arrival.

The behavior of R2-D2 It may be because you know Anakin has turned to the dark side, but that’s possible R2-D2 embarked on an adventure during the Order 66. The droid may have seen how Anakin and the clone army destroyed the Jedi and decided to try and save some of the Padawans themselves.

And R2-D2 I already knew that Yellow he was so powerful that the boy could have been his priority. Hide from Yellow for a later date or sending it immediately might be all for you R2-D2 had time to do earlier Anakin will return to the ship. This could even explain why C-3PO tells R2-D2 keep your beeps silent during your brief interaction.

could be R2-D2 I even told you C-3PO what you did in case further action was needed. However, the movies continued and it was never known whether or not R2-D2 someone saved. It will be the work of future seasons of “The MandalorianReveal if it really is the droid who saved him or if he was another more important character who would determine the future of Star Wars.

C-3PO could have helped R2-D2 hide Grogu or know his plan by the end of the movies (Picture: Lucasfilm)
C-3PO could have helped R2-D2 hide Grogu or know his plan by the end of the movies (Picture: Lucasfilm)
