Rapper Black Rob dies

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Black Rob’s death occurred after the artist was admitted to a hospital in Atlanta, United States, some time ago, due to kidney failure.

The rapper has died at the age of 51 on April 17, according to what was revealed by the close people who accompanied him during his hospitalization.

“God knows I was trying to get help … I’m sad to say RIP to Black Rob … He died in the hospital in Atlanta,” DJ Self wrote on his official Instagram account.

Black Rob himself a while ago known in a video, he had struggled to overcome his health problems for five years after that suffers from strokes and other ailments

Black Rob achieved its greatest success in 2000 with the song called Whoa! which found its way to several rankings of music, including the Billboard Hot 100.

Those who remember his music, as well as those closest to him and who accompanied him in his musical career, mourned his passing and expressed their condolences for this unfortunate loss to the musical genre of rap.
