Democrats in the Georgia run-off break the Senate quarterly record for fundraising

Georgian Senate Democratic candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff each raised more than $ 100 million in the last quarter of 2020, shattering fundraising records and overshadowing their Republican rivals in the race, new filings show, according to the Federal Elections Commission and CNN.

Why it matters: The numbers reflect the largest quarterly totals of any candidate in U.S. Senate history, beating $ 57 million South Carolina Democrat Jaime Harrison raised earlier this year during his failed bid for the Senate.

  • The big draw reflects intense national attention to Georgia’s runoff, which will determine which party controls the Senate.

In numbers: Ossoff raised about $ 106.8 million between October 15 and December 16, while Warnock raised $ 103 million.

  • Warnock’s opponent, incumbent Senator Kelly Loeffler (R), raised nearly $ 64 million, while Senator David Perdue (R), who plays Warnock, raised just over $ 68 million.

What to watch: The early vote in Georgia starts with a high turnout
