Charges have been filed against a woman for assaulting her six underage children

The Criminal Investigation Corps (CIC) Sex Crimes and Minor Assault Department (CIC) filed charges against Shenia María Gaither, 36, resident of Rincón, for violation of law 246 Section 59 of the law for the safety, welfare and protection of minors.

The acts attributed to the woman were committed for the years 2019 to 2020, when she was emotionally abused and violently and aggressively punished the six children, under months and adolescents. The minors were left in the care of the Department of the Family.

This case was heard by Officer Monica Ubiñas Torres under the supervision of Lieutenant Adaris Roldán Medina, Director of the Specialized Division, consulted with the Prosecutor Geysa González, who presented the evidence to Judge Juan Guzmán Escobar, for certain cause in the six indictments, with a bailed $ 60,000, which he did not pay, and ordered admission to Bayamón’s penitentiary.

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