Capture a bright meteor passing through Puerto Rico on video

According to the Caribbean Astronomy Society (SAC), a spectacular bright meteor was visible over Puerto Rico last Sunday, January 24 at 11:21 PM.

This indicated that the car was visible all over the island, looking southwest. “It was really bright, as the images show that it briefly lit up other parts of the sky,” the organization noted.

The reports indicate that during the brief moments when the meteor was visible, the meteor displayed beautiful colors that seemed to alternate between blue-green turquoise, then yellow-orange, and turquoise again, as seen in images captured by the educational entity .

Watch the video here:

“After analyzing the meteor’s trajectory, it was confirmed to be from the constellation Cancer, so it was a different ‘Delta Cancrid’, as well as other bright meteors seen from the island in recent nights,” said the SAC.

The fragments that cause the Delta Cancrids orbit similar to that of the asteroid 2001 YB5, so it cannot be ruled out that they are debris released by these space rock. The organization had expected another bright meteor to be seen until January 24, as it happened. However, the remarkable activity of bright meteors suggests that additional meteors are likely to be observed for at least a few weeks, it was noted.

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