Abrams goes viral for answer to the GOP senator’s question about Georgian law

Former governmental candidate and voting rights activist Stacey Abrams (D) went viral on social media for her response to a GOP senator’s request to list all the provisions she objects to in the recent controversial Peach State voting bill.

At a hearing by the Senate Judiciary Committee on voting rights on Tuesday, Republican Sen. John KennedyJohn Neely Kennedy MORE (La.) Asked Abrams if she believes the Georgia voting bill signed by the government into law. Brian KempBrian KempGeorgia Governor Rips Home Depot Boycott: ‘This Madness Must End’ Religious Leaders Call For Home Depot Boycott Over Georgia Trump: GOP Candidates Must Embrace ‘Make America Great’ Agenda If They Want To Win MORE (R) last month is ‘racist’.

“I think there are provisions of it that are racist, yes,” she replied.

Kennedy then asked the former nominee for Democratic Governor of Georgia to “give” him a list of the provisions you object to.

Abrams, who founded the Fair Fight Action voting rights organization, went on to list the parts of the bill that she says would create unfair disadvantages for certain segments of the population, including minority voters and low-income residents.

“It shortens the federal roll-out period from nine weeks to four weeks. It limits the time that a voter can request and return an application for an absentee ballot, ”she began before commenting on the provision requiring voters to provide photo ID when participating in absentee voting.

Abrams added that by this provision, Georgia is “only the fourth state in the nation to require voters to compromise their identities” before being interrupted by Kennedy.

“What else?” he asked.

The former Georgia state representative went on to mention other provisions she objects to, including limits on the number of ballot boxes and the ban on “ nearly all votes outside the district. ”

“This means that if you come to a police station and you stand in line for four hours and you come to the end of the line and you are not there between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM, you have to start all over again,” he added. them to it.

“OK. What else? Is that all?” said the Louisiana senator.

“No, it isn’t,” Abrams replied before laughing quickly. “No sir.”

Abrams pointed out that the law allows districts to shorten voting periods, which she says “could affect voters who cannot vote during office hours.”

She then started moving on to another provision before Kennedy interrupted him: “Okay. I get it. “

Several Twitter users praised Abrams for handling Kennedy’s questions, while former Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander (D) wrote that Abrams “professionalism is never at the expense of passion. ”

The interaction came during the same hearing in which Abrams got into a heated exchange with GOP Sen. John CornynJohn Cornyn Overnight Healthcare: Johnson & Johnson break seen as ‘responsible’ in poll | Women Who Come Off More Than Men For COVID-19 Vaccines Cornyn Stuck On Biden Medicaid Nominee Stacey Abrams: Parts Of New Georgia Voting Bill Have Racist Purpose MORE (Texas), who asked her if she believed the Georgian legislature made “deliberate attempts to suppress the minority vote,” to which Abrams replied, “Yes.”

“The state of Georgia targeted communities using these resources to their advantage for the first time,” Abrams said, referring to the increase in mail-in votes in the 2020 election.

Cornyn then interrupted Abrams, accusing her of filibustering, claiming that she believed the voter identification laws were racist.

Abrams pushed back, stating that she supports voter identification laws, but that the way Georgian law is attacked will have a disproportionate impact on communities of color.
