Yuri. They criticize her for disguising the Virgin Mary: did she mock? | VIDEO

Mexico City /

Yuri, Mexican singer, caused controversy in social networks, because the famous dressed in a costume of the Virgin Mary –When she was pregnant with baby Jesus– to get likes on TikTok. And it is that accompanied by a man who dressed as José, the famous danced to the Christmas rhythm because of the Christmas season. How did the netizens react? Not so good. We tell you how They criticized her and accused her of seeking fame by making fun of the Catholic religion.

It was over TikTok true Yuri She appeared dressed as the pregnant Virgin Mary with Joseph. They both danced to the Christmas rhythm, in a modern atmosphere. At first subtly and then in a crazier way, until she feigns contractions.

However, although it was funny for Yuri, for internet users it was not, because the interpreter of Damn spring was seriously criticized and is that despite the fact that the famous has been shown with a conservative attitude when it comes to women’s rights, the abortion and the LGBT community, this time he forgot.

“’What is it about, Yuri, disrespecting religions’ I admire you’, ‘you have to respect the religion of others’”; “Every religion deserves respect”; “You have to respect the religion of others”; “You know very well it’s a lack of respect”; “If you’re a Christian, you wouldn’t want them to make fun of your faith, would you?”; “Not so loving and religious,” read between the responses.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

Coat of arms
