“You made me very ugly”, says Juan José Origel to Pati Chapoy in Ventaneando and she replies “you left like the girls” | THE UNMARTY

MEXICO CITY.-As part of Ventanenado’s 25th anniversary, Juan José Origel was invited to the program, where he told Pati Chapoy that he was “walking very ugly” and she replied that he was leaving “like the maids.”

“Remember when you had the buddies to tell me I’m going to Televisa because they pay me more, and they make me more chic,” Chapoy asked Pepillo.

To this he replied:

“See, it was a decision that really cost me when I had to tell Pati … but you also made me very ugly,” he said.

“What happens is Mr. Alberto Ciurana spoke to me and convinced me with a bullet,” he recalls.

Origel accepted that there are rare moments in life that must be taken advantage of or they will pass away.

“The truth was it was an opportunity that was given to me and it’s not that I didn’t want it … but I said it’s going to be my program, so I took advantage of it and it went really well.

For his part, Pedro Sola reminded him that after Pepillo’s departure, Carmen Armendariz also left and they were left without a producer.

On this note
