“You have to have money …” Pepillo Origel and his controversial response to those who criticized his trip to Miami to get vaccinated

The Mexican presenter scoffed, saying that you “have to have money” to do what he did; and that was just the beginning of his controversial statements.

When the controversy surrounding Mexican driver Juan José Origel was thought to be over, a new detail emerged that fueled the blaze.

And it is that Pepillo, as he is also known in Mexican entertainment, attacked those who criticized him for traveling to Miami to inject the COVID-19 vaccine.

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The controversial statements emerged during an interview he took on a YouTube channel for the program ‘A Rhythm of Bohemia’.

“Very proud and very vaccinated. I was vaccinated against smallpox, whooping cough, but is that why all the fuss? … the envy. You also need money to be able to travel ”; Juan José said in a mocking tone.

Pepillo said he was very outraged by the haters’ reaction, but he assured him he didn’t care. ‘You have to forgive everything, if they bark it is because I walk. They are very right, they believe they will take your place by throwing so much hatred at you, ‘he said.

I also take the opportunity to point out that you do not understand that people do not understand the need to be vaccinated.

‘Look, you have to think about what we’re going through right now. This terrible pandemic, ”the famous friend justified himself.

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When he sparked controversy

A few months ago, Origel posted on her Twitter account that she had received the first dose of the vaccine, without imagining the wave of criticism she would receive.

‘Vaccinated already. Thanks #usa. How sad that my country did not offer me that certainty ”, was the message that the Mexican wrote with the image of the moment he received the injection. He did it through his official Twitter account.

He later used his networks again to announce when he had received the second dose. However, before that, it was speculated that he wouldn’t be able to because he could face a sanction, as reported by Mexican media, TVNotas.

The publication took over the statements of Héctor L. Frisbie, surgeon and public health specialist, who disclosed that Juan José is not a resident or citizen of the United States. Obviously, that never happened.
