Yani Rosenthal attends the summons of the opposition together with Xiomara Castro

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

The Liberal Party’s presidential candidate, Yani Rosenthal, attended the opposition meeting convened by the President of the Liberal Party on Monday. Freedom and Refoundation Party (Free), Xiomara Castro, to refine the first details of a possible party alliance ahead of the November 28 general election this year.

Rosenthal, along with some members of his campaign team, arrived at a hotel in the capital, where the meeting between liberals and free people is already taking place.

“The people demand it and the math is clear, our alliance exceeds the ruling party’s vote. This is our chance to make history,” Rosenthal wrote on his Facebook account after arriving at the meeting with Xiomara Castro.

Earlier, the Liberal candidate said they had achieved unity of the movement, “now the opposition alliance is moving on.” In addition, he assured that only in this way will it be possible to bring about positive change for Honduras.


After the results of the last primaries on March 14 were made official, the candidate became the Free party, Xiomara Castro, called on the opposition leaders to form a new alliance facing the National party in the general election in November this year.

“We are going to form unity with the former Free Party candidates, and before Monday I invite you to start the dialogue between opposition parties, So Rosenthal, Luis Zelaya, Salvador Nasralla, to form the alliance that will defeat the dictatorship and rebuild the country, ” said the wife of former President Manuel Zelaya.


The leader of the Salvador Party of Honduras (PSH), Salvador Nasralla, said the alliances Honduras needs must be convened by legitimate actors of society, while stressing that it will not attend such a call from Manuel Zelaya.

“In the coming days, we will call on all Hondurans who wish to join a true and great alliance of unity. . in a statement published this Monday.

For its part the Former Freedom and Refoundation Party Free Honduras internal current candidate Wilfredo MéndezHe indicated at the time that he would attend Xiomara Castro’s meeting, but withdrew on Monday.

“I will not be attending candidate Xiomara Castro’s meeting today because the initial circumstances with which we were called have changed.
It was a rally for all political leaders of the opposition, ”said Méndez.
