Ximena Duque is hospitalized for Covid-19 in the latter part of pregnancy

Mexico City /

Ximena Duque, actress of soap operas such as The house next door O Brave heart, was hospitalized for complications derived from covid-19 in the last weeks of her pregnancy. The famous shared on social networks that she entered with one “picture of pneumonia in both lungs”, which he stressed is at greater risk because of his condition; indicated that you are already receiving the indicated treatment.

It was in early January that the Colombian actress announced that she was infected with the new corona virus with her husband Jay Adkins and her daughter Luna, who has just turned three years old. TO Through her Instagram stories, Ximena Duque talked about her health.

“She had been in the hospital for a few days. Of course I was resting at home, taking care of myself. It had been a fever for many days. My gynecologist, because she said to me, “Don’t go to the hospital because I don’t want you at home like that.” L.I arrived at the hospital with pneumonia in both lungs, a normal condition for covid-19 patients, but in my case, being pregnant is a bit more delicate because the treatment cannot be as aggressive. Then they started treating me right away, ”Ximena Duque said in a video of her stories that she had put together People.

Likewise, the actress indicated that her body responds very well to the treatment she is receiving. He said he was most afraid that the doctors would have to induce labor pains.

“The baby’s (fruit) fluid was very low, which was another concern. When you reach 5, it’s time to induce labor and remove the baby, andIt was 5.7. They gave me a lot of fluids, a lot of serum and over the course of 24 hours we went to 10, ”he said.

Ximena Duque confirmed that her baby is stable despite what happened. She added how complicated it is not to be able to be accompanied by her family.

It’s hard to be here alone. It’s been moments, I’m not going to lie to you, a little hard, but the mind is powerful. Here you definitely have to be very positive and strong and know that you are coming out of this, know that will be fine, knowing this is temporary, ”he said.

He later reported that his lungs are showing “a great improvement”. He thanked everyone who looked after his health.

“Everything’s fine, Skye is safe, she’s fine, she’s calm, she’ll stay there until Mommy is super strong. My lungs are responding better … The best I could have done was without a doubt listen to my doctor. ., listen to him, come (to the hospital), ”he said.

