Xavier Ortiz appears to his son

After announcing that little Xavi is staying in therapy to understand the sudden loss of his father, the actor Xavier Ortiz (Rest in peace), Carissa de León and her son spoke exclusively for the program ‘Ventaneando’, where the boy shared it and to his father and talk to him.

Xavi, who has in fact just turned 9 years old, said he sometimes sees his dad in front of him, they talk a lot and sometimes even sleeps with him. Besides, he sent him something messages to Carissa, where the boy assures him that he has sent him birthday and Christmas wishes.

For surprising statements, the widow of the singer and member of Garibaldi, reported that this event is relatively new and that it will be addressed at his first-born’s next appointment with the therapist.

Xavi tells the details.

And although Carissa does not know what the expert will think of the alleged appearances of the actor, who took his own life last September, feels reassured that little Xavi has his father present and is proud of him.

It feels calm.

Finally, Carissa de León confirmed that the beloved actor’s family had sent him all the necessary documentation to be able to collect the money left by Xavier Ortiz in the United States that is for the little boy. Xavi.

Xavier's family supports her.
