WWE. Rey Mysterio throws Big Show: he sent me to the hospital and didn’t even call

Mexico City

“A child” in the land of giants “, that’s how Rey Mysterio had to forge his legend WWE despite the overwhelming physical disability that has caused him many times over injuries, but few are as painful as the one suffered Big Show and 2003, all because of the giant’s little precaution of the strings.

The Master of 619 went to the hospital for one hit the head caused by The greatest athlete in the world, who threw it against one of the posts of the ring and dropped it on his face when the little Mexican couldn’t put his hands in because he was tied to a stretcher.

“Which fight with Big Show I was done and they would take me on a stretcher. What he didn’t count on was that he would return, He carried me with the stretcher, I was tied to itHe picked me up and it’s like I made such a baseball swing He threw me against the ring post and when I fell it felt like my head exploded“I couldn’t place my hands,” he said on the podcast Not about wrestling

Although what stands out at first can be seen Mysterio collide with the pole tied to a stretcher, the disturbing thing was the fallEspecially when we look at the difference in size between the one in San Diego (1.68 meters) and the 2.13 meter giant.

That blow sent me to the hospitalIt was one of the worst nights of my life because of the pain. If Big Show Felt Bad? I don’t think so, he never even apologized or called meBut that’s how I grew up in the world of wrestling, in the land of beating giants like I looked like a high school kid, ”he added.

Rey Mysterio, injured by Big Show

The fight mentioned by the legendary masked man took place during the event Backlash del 2003, in which Big Show beat him with a gigantic Chokeslam
