WWE Announces Potential Injuries to Finn Balor and Kyle O’Reilly Following the Evil Main Event on New Years Day

Tonight’s WWE NXT At the Evil New Year’s main event, Finn Balor defeated Kyle O’Reilly for the NXT Title.

The brutal match lasted a little over 17 minutes, with no commercial breaks, and saw Balor broken open and bleeding from his head by the end. Balor worked on O’Reilly’s jaw for most of the match, while O’Reilly worked on his arm. Medics also checked O’Reilly during and after the game.

WWE just announced that both contestants were taken to a local hospital after New Year’s Evil went off the air. It has been noted that O’Reilly is getting x-rays of his jaw while Balor has his arm checked.

BREAKING: After that grueling main event, both @FinnBalor & @KORcombat are on their way to the hospital. Kyle has his jaw X-rayed and Finn has his arm checked. #NXTNYE, ”WWE announced.

Balor seemed fine after the game, while O’Reilly sold the jaw injury. We will keep you informed of all developments.

Below are some shots from tonight’s main event at the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando:
