Woman is murdered while trying to prevent her life partner from being kidnapped | News from El Salvador

This happened this morning in the El Paraíso district of the second stage of Usulután.

Claudia Maricela Albayero, 30, was riddled with bullets by several men wearing dark clothes while they tried to avoid taking her life partner, police reported. This happened in the colony of El Paraíso, the second phase of Usulután.

At around 3:40 AM this day, several men in dark clothes arrived at the victim’s house, posing as police officers because they were supposed to conduct a search.

Opening the door of the house, the individuals entered to forcibly remove Jefferson Palma, Claudia Maricela’s life partner.

SEE: The Public Prosecution Service is registering more than 1,200 violent deaths this year

Seeing that he had been taken without any justification, she began to follow the criminals, begging them not to take him.

However, the men shot him and killed him immediately. According to the police report, she had gunshot wounds to her chest, neck and other parts of her body.

Until now, the authorities have no evidence of Palma’s whereabouts.

An eight-year-old boy survived the attack, so he was rescued by the police to receive the necessary care.

SEE: The court is sending a couple to prison for murdering a woman in El Porvenir, Santa Ana

Authorities said they did not know why Palma was kidnapped, but police sources assured him that he is being profiled as a member of a gang.
