With the new firmware update, PS5 should stop randomly installing PS4 drives

If you’re still looking for a PlayStation 5, know that you’re missing some weird early console quirks

It feels like it will be a while for Sony to start releasing major new system-level features for the PlayStation 5. For now, it’s a lot of tidying up – to make sure moldy crumbs aren’t all over the place.

The latest PS5 firmware update, version 20.02-02.50.00, has been released today.

What’s new? Little. There are the audience’s favorite stability / performance improvements to try to help us maintain our technical faith, a minor quality of life editing feature for Share Factory Studio, and a fix for a rare but annoying-sounding installation problem that bothered some players with cross-gen titles.

  • This system software update improves system performance.
  • In rare cases, the PS4 version of a game will be installed from the disc after you upgrade to and install the PS5 version. Now if you insert the PS4 game disc, the PS4 version will not install unexpectedly.
  • You can now select and edit video clips with Share Factory Studio from your media gallery.

Come to think of it, I have yet to put another disc in my PS5 – in part because I still have my PS4 Pro connected to a separate television – but rogue installations are never fun. Hopefully that’s the last.

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