With Congress Killing American Business, a media company that hates liberals took action

Congress failed. That is not a difficult task for the idiots we worked on the hill. Dare I say democracy has failed, but I’m not going down that rabbit hole. As the nation tackles the coronavirus outbreak, thousands of businesses have been destroyed, especially bars and restaurants. At first I understand why there was a stay-at-home order, now there are rough numbers showing that these establishments are not the main source of spread. In New York, one of the states most affected by the virus, new data shows that only bars and restaurants are good 1.4 percent of COVID spread. Schools are also not sources of so-called “super dispersion”. Reopen the damn schools and continue eating indoors.

Businesses have been needing help for months. Families have needed help. Unfortunately, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats had other plans. You see, they knew COVID aid packages were helping Trump. They wanted him gone, so they admitted to quashing previous negotiations to increase the chances of Joe Biden winning the election. And now, after months of economic dislocation and bills stacked as high as Everest, they are going to give families in trouble $ 600. My eyes can’t roll hard enough.

Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports, a media company that liberals hate for all the obvious and insane reasons, decided to do more than Congress has done in months to help Americans save their dream. His rants on social media about how politicians try to kill our right to make a living are indispensable material. I think even the most ardent Trump hater would agree that if Americans were given the choice of getting COVID or destroying their businesses because of a virus with a recovery rate over 90 percent, I think you know that the most, if not everyone, would choose the former. Regardless, Barstool has set up an emergency fund that will likely raise nearly $ 10 million to help businesses get oxygen for a few more weeks, which is more than Congress is doing right now (via Fox Business):

Dave Portnoy, founder of media company Barstool Sports, raised $ 6.3 million Saturday morning for 18 small businesses.

Portnoy last week launched the fundraiser with the nonprofit 30-day small business fund impacted by COVID-19 called “The Barstool Fund,” contributing $ 500,000 of his own money to the effort.

“It was certainly demeaning and a little embarrassing,” Kerry Counard, owner of Abbey Bar in Wisconsin – who chose Portnoy as one of the first six restaurants to receive money – told Fox Business. He expressed his condolences to the “thousands if not hundreds of thousands of small businesses” who are still struggling with lockdowns.

Excellent work. And Stoolies are a loyal and dedicated group that will mobilize for these types of charities. In fact, everyone here is like that; we are the most charitable nation on earth when it comes to giving. It just goes to show that this axiom will remain constant forever: Non-governmental entities are doing more to help the poor, those affected, and those in general need better than government ever could. See, I’m not the most religious person, but I’m not going to deny that religious charities have done eons more to help the inner-city poor than Pelosi and her group of Democratic Party gangsters. Well on El Prez for launching this effort.

You can donate to the fund here.
