William Levy opens up to reveal who is the woman that is driving him insane

Since the end of last year William Levy is in Colombia to record the new version of Woman-scented coffee, a project that makes him very enthusiastic, because it returns him to his role as soap heartthrob. As part of his stay in that country, the actor started promoting this project, so he gave a candid interview to the channel RCN where he spoke as never before about his childhood in Cuba, his beginnings as a model and the woman who drove him crazy. Amused, the brave side showed a side we didn’t know and was encouraged to answer questions from the audience, such as what he’s done when he has to kiss an actress he doesn’t get along with: “Yes, it has happened that there has not been much chemistry, but it is part of the deal”he answered sincerely.

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In this series of questions, he highlighted one in which he was questioned about the woman who drives him crazy who is none other than his baby daughter Kailey: “My daughter is 10 years old and I live in love with her, I learned so much about women with her, all women have been candles since they were little, they know how to talk to us without us teaching her. drool me “. In this sense, the Cuban recognized that his greatest fear in life has to do with his two children, Christopher and Kailey: “I used to be afraid of nothing, but now that I have children, I fear many things to do with it, anything that could happen to themI don’t even want to mention the things that scare me, but everything related to it worries me ”.

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In this conversation, William also recalled the occasion that, wanting to impress a model in Paris, he spent all the money he had saved to move to that country and realize his dream of the catwalks: “I came to Paris, I was single, I started modeling, I ended up as a builder, I worked in construction and I had the desire to become an artist and I started modeling, I started to go and the first thing I said was, ‘I’m going to Paris! At the desk in Paris I saw a girl, super beautiful, very beautiful, the first thing I asked was: ‘How can I communicate with that girl?’, Because she is beautiful and I want to invite her to dinner ”.

In his eagerness to conquer her, the actor developed a great bond: “Like I had never been to Paris and I didn’t know the prices other than I eat a lot, I’m very eaters so the first dishes they brought me were very tasty, but everything was small, I kept asking more and more, that bill, when it was $ 3,000. She would say to me, “Where are we going from here?” and I, nowhere !, no, no, what madness. I eventually went to a gas station and bought spaghetti all month“, He recalled amused. About what makes him fall in love with a woman, he replied:”Let it be a girl you know ’cause I’m a boy too’ cause I’ve got responsibilities of course, but you gotta be a boy, the child in us cannot be lost ”.


His childhood in Cuba

William remembered as never before his life in his native Cuba, a childhood marked by deprivation, so when he arrived in the United States, he was amazed at small details that no one can imagine: “I was born and raised in Cuba until I was 15 years old it is clearly a communist country where everything is for portions; So for example he has a loaf of bread per day per person, a quarter of a chicken per person per month, there was almost no food, so food became the most important thing in my life. When I came to America I had never had an apple so when I got to my uncle’s house the first thing I saw was a plate full of apples and I said wow. It was a beautiful experience and so with many things, because in Cuba I had almost nothing, ”he said.
