Wii U is receiving its first system firmware update since 2018

Wii U

Well, here we are in 2021 – the 3DS has been discontinued and the focus is now entirely on the Switch, which is almost four years old. Despite everything that is happening with its hybrid platform, Nintendo still seems to have plenty of time in its busy schedule to update older systems.

In this particular case, we’re talking about the Wii U. The console has just been updated for the first time since September 2018. The patch notes are admittedly not that exciting, but still – it’s an update for the Wii U in 2021.

Here are the full patch notes, courtesy of the official Nintendo support page:

Far. 5.5.5 U (March 1, 2021)

Improvements to the stability and usability of the system

Further improvements to the overall system stability and other minor tweaks have been made to improve the user experience.

Well-known Nintendo dataminer OatmealDome has shared some additional information about this latest update:

It’s hard to believe, but yes – it is real! Can you believe for yourself that the Wii U firmware was just updated in 2021? Are you booting up your Wii U to download this update? Tell us below.
