Wife kills husband when she sees him drinking with some friends, National Police reported

Ocoteque, Honduras.

A woman was arresteduntil this Sunday for murdering his roommate after a heated argument.

The police report states that the violent act took place in the Santa Clara neighborhood, Department of Ocotepeque, aware of Ruztbel bridge, western zone of Honduras.

“Information was received through the 911 emergency line that an injured man was on the scene,” authorities said.

Also read: They imprison him in central Honduras for trying to kill his wife

Police arrived at the scene and after confirming the accuracy of the warning, transferred the victim to a health center where he died.

The alleged responsible is Litza Alejandra Mancia Erazo (24), who is originally from San Francisco del Valle, Ocotepeque and lives in the Santa Clara neighborhood of the Nueva Ocotepeque Municipality.

Mancia is on trial for the crime of patricide to the detriment of Gustavo Adolfo López Idiarte (34) original and resident of the same colony.

After the arrest, the officers confiscated a knife-like weapon and various items of clothing that he was believed to be wearing at the time of the criminal attack.

The victim was chatting with some friends

According to the version of witnesses, the passed away She was chatting with some friends over the heat of alcoholic drinks when her roommate suddenly arrived and, after an argument, the lady wounded her in the abdomen with a knife.

Following her arrest, the corresponding procedures were followed to continue the legal proceedings against the accused.
