Why do they say that Bruno Mars is the son of Michael Jackson?

LOS ANGELES UNITED STATES. –A new theory runs through social networks: Bruno Mars could be the son of Michael Jackson. The followers of the “King of Pop” assure his blood flows through the veins of Mars.

Multiple users of social networks, especially of Twitter, showed the alleged evidence that Mars is Michael’s son.

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The same according to the theory Michael She once said she had a son she didn’t recognize and who she wouldn’t give more information about to protect him.

This supposed son of Michael is said to be the fruit of the relationship with Billie Jean, the young woman who inspired the song of the same name and that tells the story.

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Jose Hernandez, the user who cites the theory, tells that the name is Mars Peter Gene Hernandez and assures this is because Michael’s favorite character was Peter Pan.

In the same way, he points out the remarkable resemblance between the performers, as well as their way of singing and dancing.

IN ADDITION These were the last hours of Michael Jackson

Another detail that drew attention was that Mars signed with Michael Jackson’s record label the same year that the news of Michael’s death became known.

Mars’ father, who was close friends with Michael, was present at his funeral. Later, people began to say that the eldest son of the “King of Pop” had been at his funeral.

This theory also means that when one of the producers of the record company Mars works with found out that he was Michael’s son, he was fired.

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