Who said fear! “Pepe,” Lobo exclaims after charges in New York court

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- Who said fear? Former President of Honduras (2010-2014), Porfirio Lobo Sosa, exclaimed after being named by Devis Leonel Maradiaga in the trial of alleged drug lord Geovanny Fuentes, which is taking place in New York, United States.

The Los Cachiros leader revealed that Lobo’s government “has given us several road contracts (…) this is how drug money was laundered.”

READ ALSO: Ricardo Álvarez: ‘I categorically deny any receipt of money of illegal origin’

During Tony Hernández’s trial, the US prosecutor’s office said the former and current president have received millions from drug trafficking in the form of bribes and election funding.

Faced with the allegations, “Pepe” used his social networks to ask the president of the National Congress, Mauricio Oliva, to support the decree promoting his son, aimed at investigating those named in the US.

“Go ahead, Dr. Mauricio Oliva, with support for the approval of Deputy Jorge Lobo’s decree, so that all those named in New York are investigated and demand that JOH step down from his post of not holding the Presidency as one. shield. Who said fear! That nothing is owed nothing, fear! ”wrote the ex-ruler.

Called presidents

All Honduran presidents since 2006, including the current one, received bribes from the Los Cachiros cartel in exchange for protection and government contracts to launder drug money, their former leader, Leonel Rivera, said in a lawsuit in New York on Thursday.

ALSO READ: Mel Zelaya denies receiving bribes from ‘Los Cachiros’

In a shocking statement to federal court in Manhattan, Rivera said Los Cachiros gave Hilda Hernández, President Juan Orlando Hernández’s sister, $ 250,000 in cash in 2012 when he was a congressman and presidential candidate in exchange for “protection” so that ” neither the army nor the preventive police would arrest us in Honduras.

The bribe was also intended to “not extradite me and my brother (Javier) to the United States,” and that the government gave the cartel “contracts to launder drug money,” Rivera said.

Prosecutors from the Southern District of New York regard the current president of Honduras as a “co-conspirator” of alleged drug trafficker Geovanny Fuentes in trafficking tons of cocaine to U.S.

ALSO READ: Former Los Cachiros leader says he paid bribes to JOH, Manuel Zelaya and Ricardo Álvarez
