Who is next on the chopping block for cancellations? It could be the Vancouver Canucks – because of their killer whale logo

Hey, everyone – there’s a new “ cultural appropriation ” culprit in town whose neck might take a turn if he lifts the culture’s chopping block – and it’s none other than the National Hockey League’s Vancouver Canucks.


Turns out the team’s killer whale logo is a problem – at least according to a history / indigenous studies professor at the University of Manitoba.

So, how can orca images be so politically incorrect? Sean Carleton explained it all in a lengthy Twitter thread Monday that started with the following post:

Carleton said the killer whale bursting from the top of the “c” on the Canucks logo resembles the art of the Coast Salish, an indigenous group of people in British Columbia.

“The Coast Salish-inspired orca logo graphics were designed without consultation with the native population and have served as the team’s ‘brand’ since 1997,” Carleton added. “As a fan of Canucks and historian of relations between native settlers in BC, the killer whale logo is undoubtedly cultural appropriation.”

Here’s more:

People will say, but Sean’s imagery is a ‘mark of respect’. How respectful it is to keep making piles of money from a business that you operate on stolen land, while burning that business with stolen images, “he continued. “That is the logic of colonial capitalism for you.”

Carleton noted the following at the end of his thread:

What did the team owner say?

Last year, Canucks owner Francesco Aquilini said that while the team “may change” the logo, the Canucks will keep it.

“I like the logo. It’s native to the region. We’re going to keep it,” he said.

Aquilini added that the logo “represents the current generation.… We have a whole new group of fans, and they identify with this logo and like this logo.”

How did people react to Carleton’s thread?

As you might guess, not everyone saw things like the professor did:

  • “Just out of curiosity, do you have a house on that same stolen land?” an user asked Carleton. “How much of the increase in equity are you returning to the rightful owners?”
  • “Oh ok KAREN,” another commenter exclaimed. They don’t take advantage of the art, they take advantage of the on-ice product. People don’t go to the games because, oh hey, that’s a nice logo! the name of the native people. So awful. “
  • Another user got straight to the point: “Dude, shut up. You’re a real idiot.”

And one other thing

Another thing to add to the conversation is that the term “canuck” itself can be considered a slur, especially when used by non-Canadians to describe Canadians. You can read more about that riddle here.
