what is it, when will it hit California, what damage will it do

Atmospheric rivers have hit California harder in recent years, leading to the United States Geological Survey (USGS for the abbreviation in English) to study the possible fall of a megastorm. His theory is that It won’t be long before ARk arrives, a natural disaster that could flood state cities and cause damage up to $ 725,000.

These climatic events take place every 100 or 200 years and 160 years have passed since the last. A storm of such magnitude can cause three times greater devastation than expected for the declared mega earthquake “The big” (“The Big One” in Spanish) that specialists have assured it will hit the towns near the San Andrés Fault.

What is the ARk Mega Storm?

The name ARk is short for Atmospheric river 1000 Rio Atmosférico 1000 in SpanishMany also refer to it as The Other Big One (“The other big one” in Spanish) since the mega earthquake represents one of California’s greatest natural hazards.

Storms of its kind They collect water vapor from the Pacific Ocean and deposit it with great force on the American coast.

What damage can it cause?

Experts predict it could cause floods and landslides that would leave significant damage to infrastructure, the economy, the environment and social life of the state’s nearly 40 million residents.

The report presented by the USGS describe that the amount of water that would fall would bypass all flood protection systems, that’s how hard hit the west coast the Central Valley of California would be inaccessible to the rest of the United States. The coasts would be the most affected. Provinces of Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego and much of San Francisco would be completely submerged.

Also in cities by the sea winds as strong as a Category 3 hurricane would be experienced, up to 125 miles per hour (201.1 km / h), while in inner cities they would not drop below 60 miles per hour (96.5 km / h).

And the economy?

California is the fifth most powerful economy in the world according to official data. Gross domestic product (GDP) was $ 3,140 trillion in 2019, just behind Germany, Japan, China and the rest of the United States.

According to the projections of the USGS almost a third of that GDP would be lost. Property damage can be as high as $ 400,000. In addition, there would also be havoc in the agriculture, technology, entertainment, basic services, etc. sectors that would lead to the evacuation of millions of people.

Trade disruption would cost about $ 325 billion, adding losses of at least $ 725 billion.

When was the most recent ARk mega storm?

Phenomena like these se have been recorded 7 times in California in the past 2000 years.

The most recent one started on December 24, 1861. It lasted 45 days and nights. By the time San Francisco ended, it was covered in 12 inches of rain, the streets of Sacramento had turned into rivers, and the Central Valley was a lake 300 miles long and 20 wide (32 km).

The damage forced the temporary change of the capital from Sacramento to San Francisco. The then Governor, Leland Stanford, was forced to row to the Bay Area to take office.

When is the next?

Still there is no technology to predict when it will fall a mega storm, just like hurricanes. The only thing that is known for sure is that it is going to happen.

“The last time we saw it was in 1861. (…) We believe this mega storm will occur approximately every 100 to 200 yearsExplained at the presentation of the report Professor Lucy Jones, head of the USGS Multiple Emergency Demonstration Project.

Is the state of California ready?

According to Jones, experts agree Californians are less aware of flood risks from earthquakes and that the damage extends beyond state lines.

“This will not only be a problem in California. The economic impact will be felt across the countryHe warned.

