“What I want is for you to see the movie”

2 20/03/2021 – 9:07 PM (GMT-4)

Unlike the filmmaker Lilo Vilaplana, Spanish American businessman of Cuban descent and producer of Planted Leopoldo Fernández Pujals, He made sure he is not worried about the leak on YouTube and various websites of his movie about the political prison in Cuba.

“The film is being pirated all over the world. This does not concern me. What I want is for you to see the movie. I didn’t make the movie to enrich myself, ” he said in an interview with Cubanet Fernández Pujals, founder of the Spanish multinational company Telepizza.

“The story of the movie Planted it starts in 1996, “said the businessman, who also explained that the project” took a long time because we could not find a suitable screenwriter. “

Born in Havana in 1947, Fernández Pujals is the cousin of Jose Pujals Mederos, one of the “planted” inmates whose stories are told in the movie directed by VilaplanaHence their dedication to those testimonies.

Before we accepted the graduation project, conceived by Vilaplana and the also Cuban writer Angel SantiestebanFernández Pujals rejected scripts that “were either lies or wouldn’t rattle the cat.”

“ They wouldn’t say Castro was bad, ” he noted, citing an example: “ One of the titles they once suggested was ”Meek men

The producer of the feature film, released this month in Miami and Havana, he was not worried about the ongoing leak PlantedRather, he saw that as evidence of its impact.

According to Fernández Pujals, Planted It was one of his “pending topics,” as his book says Aim for the stars and you will reach the moon: turn your dreams into successes, published in 2014 and written, he noted so that his descendants would know his “Cuban, Spanish roots”.

Director Lilo Vilaplana, for his part, regretted this week that his film had been illegally released on YouTube. “It has been terrible, a great deal of commercial damage,” he said.

‘We don’t know what happened, how it got leaked. We still don’t know what happened. It has been awful. Have been reported left and others come in. I don’t know why YouTube hasn’t taken any action yet, as the complaint has been filed. It is an illegal act. It’s like going to a shoe store, picking up a pair of shoes and running away, ”said Vilaplana in the magazine. The mornings of CiberCuba

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