Wellness classes to run a healthy business

Very complex contexts such as those we have faced over the past 12 months present an additional challenge for managers, team leaders and decision makers in organizations.

April 21, 2021

5 min read

The opinions of the employees of Entrepreneur they are personal.

Very complex contexts such as those we have faced over the past 12 months imply an additional challenge for managers, team leaders and decision-makers in organizations: how can they transfer resilience and balance to their teams in order to adapt – so quickly and easily – to a new environment?

The first is undoubtedly to recognize the need for adaptation and not to ignore the basic elements of organizations: a learning curve is necessary, emphasizing adaptability through new arrangements such as flexible work, redefining benefits and – last but not least – determination. To deal with uncertainty. .

We can say that the impact has been different when we see it through countries, communities, industrial activities or economic sectors, we can confirm that it has been uniform in the mood of the people, and one of the signs we have seen was the study we conducted in Gympass, showing that 35% of the total use of our partner applications on the platform came from users who had access to the apps of emotional health.

It is an important signal to those responsible for managing talent within companies: the concept of wellbeing is expanding to include an emotional dimension that is crucial in terms of employee quality of life and health.

I share with you four wellness classes that leaders in 2020 have learned to take a healthy business approach.

Focus on humanized leadership: Leaders understand that achieving goals and achieving company goals is due to dedication, motivation, creativity, work-life harmony, communication, and other factors that go well beyond a workday on a set schedule. The leader who understands this will not only have effective work teams – he will be able to create highly efficient work environments that are critical to the innovation and growth of organizations.

Take a preventive approach Burning out: One of the observed adjustments is that remote workers work 1.4 days more per month than their colleagues in the office, a study shows, resulting in more than three extra weeks of work per year. Organizations realized the importance of the burning out of their teams, and we began to notice that several companies were establishing schedules to support disconnection, as well as offering digital tools to adopt new wellness routines with remote exercises, which can include 5 minutes of meditation, healthy recipes, functional classes online or other options that each employee can choose based on what suits them best. This underscores the importance of using health programs based on the benefits to employees and companies, by investing in a better and healthier future.

Image: Depositphotos.com

Promotes a balance between private and work: According to data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Mexico ranks second in worst work-life balance, coupled with the drastic change in routine, there is a growing interest in establishing clear boundaries between work and private life. thus, new rules have even been drawn up, such as Nom 035, which allow the identification and analysis of psychosocial risk factors and prevention measures to promote a favorable organizational environment; in addition to the recent adoption of the labor law reform to the Home office and ensuring that employees have the necessary conditions to perform their work from home.

Social distance is not the same as isolation: According to the article on “Work and the Epidemic of Loneliness “, published in the Harvard Business ReviewThe feeling of loneliness and isolation is the main barrier that employees face in carrying out their work activities, as it is seen as a loss of social interaction, which can usually lead to collaboration or the exchange of ideas or views. That’s why leaders are also turning to wellness programs and physical activity challenges – at a distance – to create a moment of external social connection, support a space for self-care, and generate dynamism for greater integration.

We were already facing a new work paradigm, where the importance of emotional pay began to be emphasized, fostering a sense of belonging and creating a healthy work environment. In 2020 that trend accelerated and now we see that companies are increasingly interested in getting involved to be part of this innovation in the workplace, improving their productivity, creativity and well-being.
