We tell you what is the most common zodiac sign among billionaires

We tell you what is the most common zodiac sign among billionaires

The 250 billionaires sign was analyzed to find the most common among them.

Photo: Alexas Fotos / Pixabay

If you are one of those who believe in the zodiac, you may want to know if your sign will affect your financial life, and there is one that most of the richest people in the world have.

When analyzing the date of birth Of each of the 250 best billionaires on Forbes magazine’s 2019 list, the majority turned out to be Libra..

Some of the most notable millionaires with this sign are Ralph Lauren, Stefan Persson, Liliane Bettencourt and Alice Walton.

E.On the list of 250 millionaires, there were 27 Libra. Pisces followed closely, with 22 billionaires including Bernard Arnault, Rupert Murdoch and Michael Dell.

Third, there were the signs of Cancer, Taurus and Leo, each of which has 20 billionaires. Among them are Richard Branson (Cancer), Elon Musk (Cancer), Mark Zuckerberg (Taurus), David Koch (Taurus), Larry Ellison (Leo) and Sergey Brin (Leo).

Gemini and Aries are the characters with 15 billionaires each, including Jim Walton (Gemini), Steve Ballmer (Aries) and Mukesh Ambani (Aries), as reported by Business Insider.

Then there are Aquarius and Virgo as the richest signs with 12 and 11 billionaires respectively.including Michael Bloomberg (Waterman), Paul Allen (Waterman), Warren Buffet (Virgo), and Jack Ma (Virgo).

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