Katherine Trujillo Useche
Agencia Latina de Noticias de Medicina and Salud Pública
El doctor Jorge L. González santos, cardiólogo clínico, indicó en el artículo publicado and the versión impresa de la revista de Medicina and Salud Pública (MSP) que fallecier on 355 pacientes con COVID-19, y en sus suitable medical data and a historical the atrial fibrilación (A Fib). Pacientes within 60 and 65 years of age present complications for the tratamiento de coronavirus. This is a specific situation, it is a special place where you should focus on the continuity of health and the anticoagulants.
The doctor has no haystack, no hay reports the following data, but also some of the tendencies, such as a haystack, set up in front of the COVID-19, has a fibrilación atrium. The Dr. Gonzáles Santos is an indication of the patient’s position in the air, the Hospital Respiratoria del Adulto (ARDS) and the sepsis in the fibreilación atrium and alta.
Un informe italiano reciente report of 355 pacientes with COVID-19 que fallecier on tenían fibrilacion atrial, let indicó A Fib en 25% de los pacientes.
The physician has a reference to a limit of experience and hay between the fibrilación atrial and COVID-19, which are similar to that of the pulmonary arteries, ARDS or sepsis. There are special details you can see and you can see how many free hours are available in 60 and 65 years. A Fib durante or contagio de COVID-19.
And los pacientes with a rhythm of A Fib que se asoció en aumento de mortalidad a corto plazo and el riesgo de desarrollar fallo cardíaco y el stroke is aún más alto and ellos.
Tratamientos antiarrítmicos
You can use different types of antiarrhythmic and financial data for COVID-19 and the mayor of different countries. The primary choice for the physician and physician and control of heart rate and rhythm and reservation of cardioversion for a patient with a hemodinamente estan.
Tratamientos con anticoagulantes
The physician who has certified the physician with anticoagulants is a permanent and noncommittal institution with a new origin or persistent respect for the existence of a contraindication with a sangrado activo or another sangrado.
Los anticoagulants are used for the intention of stroke or embolismos sistémicos asociados a Fib y esta debe ser guiada por el CHA2DS2-VASc Score. And las mujeres se recomienda anticoagular con una score> 2 y está indicado con> 3 y and los hombres se sugiere que sea con Score> 1 y> 2 respective.
Para los pacientes con A Fib no valvular y COVID-19 por preferencia se debe tratar con anticoagulantes orales que no antagonizan the vitamina K y son más seguros y efectivos, estos se administran and dose fijas y no requiere monitoreo de su efecto anticoagulante y esto hará do not wait any longer or contact the direct communication of the paciente.
A few of the anticoagulants of drugs in Apixaban, Rivaroxaban and Apixaban are administered with a triturada and a travé of a tubo nasogástrico.
Review the data of the pacientes that are focused on a single intensivos deben ser cambiados and terapia parenteral y se prefiere heparina de bajo peso molecular en se recomienda ya que no ane interacciones clínicamente relevantes con las drogas que se están usando for COVID-19.
The doctor has a medical analysis of medical medicine and a patient with the medical data and the relevance with regard to the cardiovascular disease and the heart rate with COVID-19.
Repeated atrial fibrillation or recurring incidents have some protagonists and media files in the queue and the status of the consecuencias and the cause of the mayor de la terapia with anticoagulantes y ya que el bajo con viro 2 of the doctor recommended by a doctor who gives a continuity of oral anticoagulation treatment, an important one for the oral anticoagulation of the oral tome of the war and of the war and the result.
A personal diagnosis with COVID-19 positive and including access to the hospital, continuity in the hospital or other medical institution A new indication for a new beginning and a new beginning and a los pacientes críticamente enfermos, access to the ICU, the entubados , taking into account the cambio and the LMWH access to a small interacción with terapias experimentales and update it at a fixed price.