Violent fight in concert of Cuban reggaeton El Chulo in Miami

| 20/12/2020 – 5:22 PM (GMT-4)

The Cuban reggaeton concert The pimp at nightclub La Scala in Miami, ended with a violent struggle among a group of people in the audience.

Posted in a video by The Cuban family Men are seen throwing bottles and crystal glasses from one corner of the room to the other, amid the screams of those who were still there.

Finally, the security of the property, located at The Four Ambassadors, in Brickell Bay, managed to control the fight and leave the room, which was thrown to the floor full of glass and chairs.

The reggaeton, whose real name is Abel Diaz Rodriguez, apologized the next day for ‘several incidents unrelated to me’ including the fight and the delay in starting the concert which made it take a short while as the closing time of the place cannot be extended due to regulations by the coronavirus.

“An event happened too, it seems like things were hot, a belt, but hey, it’s things that happen in every concert, from every artist, even if it’s international, it’s things that happen,” said El Chulo through the networks.

His claim has been questioned on social media. What is true is this one Violent incidents are common at events involving street performers in the United States; one of the most recent took place at the presentation of El Negrito, el Kokito and Manu Manu, at the Rancho Gaspar Club in Miami, which also ended with bottle shots.

Also this year the reggaeton players are coming El Úniko, Chocolate MC and El Taiger starred in a fight in the middle of the Reggaeton Festival in New Jersey.

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