Vice City & Grand Theft Auto III source code is reverse engineered

Illustration for article entitled iVice City / i iGrand Theft Auto IIIs / iSource Code has been reverse engineered

Statue Vice City

A team of fans has managed to reverse engineer the source code for both Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto Vice City make the files available for download

This is great news! We recently saw what reverse engineered games can do for modders, with Mario 64 being the greatest example, which allows it to be “ported” to the PC instead of emulation.

While that’s not the main goal here, either GTA games are already available on PC – source code also allows modders to create potentially new and interesting things. Like, using Mario 64 again as an example, add ray tracing to the game

That said, accessing the source code does mean porting to Others platforms easier, and the team has already got the code running on Switch, Vita, and Wii U, while also hoping to get it on PS2 and Xbox too.

You can view the project here
