Vandalism and protests point to election fury in 2020 that could spill over into 2021

America’s anger in 2020 is already scarring in 2021.

Why it matters: Every day provides raw, even shocking new evidence that, despite a clear result, the November election did nothing to tame the unrest in torn America.

  • Vandals sprayed political graffiti on the homes of the two best conference leaders.
  • New Hampshire has been canceled the Republican governor’s public inauguration over armed protesters in his backyard.
  • Vice President Pence now supports a growing movement among Republicans in Congress to hold a futile last-ditch protest against the certification of President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday.
  • President Trump eagerly promoting a loser’s ball: his supporters pledge to gather at DC from across the country on Wednesday as Biden’s victory becomes official. “THIS MAY BE THE BIGGEST EVENT IN THE HISTORY OF WASHINGTON DC,” claims a Trump video retweeted overnight stay Saturday.

The attacks House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco home and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s San Francisco home constitute a stunning new offense:

  • Garbage bags were taped Yesterday to the garage door of Pelosi’s house, covering a “$ 2K” that had been spray painted and crossed out, for $ 2,000 stimulus checks, NBC Bay Area reports. The graffiti, which took up the entire garage door, also said, “CANCeL ReNT!” and “We WANT EVERYTHING!” In the driveway was fake blood and a red pig’s head.
  • In Louisville, spray paint on McConnell’s door read, “WERES MY MONEY.” “MITCH KILLS THE POOR” was scrawled on a window, AP reports. Blasphemy against McConnell was painted under the letterbox.

Government of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, a Republican who was elected to a third term in November put it on CNN yesterday when he explained his decision to cancel his open-air inauguration ceremony over “ongoing concerns about public safety.”

  • Sununu called it “an accumulation, I think, of what we’re seeing across the country … There’s a whole new frontier, there’s a whole new goalpost of what people consider acceptable when they’re not happy.”
  • Now Sununu is holding out a virtual inauguration attended by legislative leaders.
