US vaccinations in 2020 fall far short of the target of 20 million people

Dec. 31 (Reuters) – Only about 2.6 million Americans had received a COVID-19 vaccine that went into effect the last day of December, leaving the United States far behind the government’s goal of vaccinating 20 million people this month.

About 14 million doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been distributed to states so far, federal officials told reporters on Wednesday, shy of the goal of shipping 20 million doses this month.

As early as in early December, officials claimed they would have 40 million doses available this month, enough to vaccinate 20 million Americans on a two-dose regimen. On Dec. 4, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn told Reuters it was realistic to vaccinate 20 million Americans by the end of the year, depending on the vaccination campaign.

Since then, officials have said they are committed to making adequate doses available without commenting on targets for actual vaccinations, as it has become clear that the vaccinations are not reaching the number of doses distributed.

“The rapid availability and distribution of so many doses – with 20 million first doses allocated for distribution just 18 days after the first emergency vaccine is approved – is testament to the success of Operation Warp Speed,” a US Department of Health said. and The Human Services spokesperson said in a statement. Assigned but undivided doses are shipped in January.

The government has said it keeps a second dose in reserve for each dose sent, as well as a safety stock, bringing the total number of vaccine doses closer to 40 million.

Even as the number of doses distributed neared the goal of reaching 20 million people, the rate of actual vaccinations was much slower than expected, according to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“The federal government has distributed the vaccines to the states. Now it is up to the states to manage. Get moving! US President Donald Trump tweeted.

Local public health officials told Reuters the lack of federal funding for vaccine distribution has prevented them from hiring the necessary personnel.

“We know it should be better and we are working hard to make it better,” said Operation Warp Speed’s chief adviser, Dr. Moncef Slaoui, at a press conference.

The vaccinations of the 21 million health workers in the country began on December 14. Vaccinations of the country’s 3 million nursing home residents, who are also in the first priority group, followed shortly.

About 51 million U.S. frontline workers, such as firefighters, police, and teachers, as well as people over 75 should be next to get a vaccine, a CDC advisory panel has recommended. (Reporting by Rebecca Spalding; edited by David Gregorio)
