Upcoming Nintendo Switch game announced for PC

The Nintendo Switch has become one of the most popular platforms for indie releases. Almost every major indie game released today seems to be heading to Nintendo’s hybrid handheld console, which makes sense when you consider how well so many titles of this kind sell on the platform. However, if you’re not keen on playing indies on the Nintendo platform, it has been announced that one of the most highly anticipated upcoming releases in the space is now coming elsewhere.

Recently revealed, Axiom Verge 2 now comes to PC. Previously, the upcoming Metrdoivania game, which was announced in 2019, was only scheduled for the Nintendo Switch. While the game still doesn’t have a specific launch date, Thomas Happ, the game’s developer, confirmed that a PC release exclusive to the Epic Games Store is now also on the agenda for this year.

While Axiom Verge 2 will no longer be completely exclusive to the Switch, it is still exclusive to the console. Or, well, at least for now. Thomas Happ has teased that in the past Axiom Verge 2 could be coming to other consoles too, even though Switch is the only one announced at the moment. In the future, there is a possibility that PlayStation and Xbox platforms will join the fray.

Axiom Verge 2 was originally due out last fall, but Happ postponed the game in October 2020. rather now than never. In the reveal trailer for PC, the release for Axiom Verge 2 was simply said “to come soon”. As such, we may find out more about its arrival soon.

So what are you thinking about? Axiom Verge 2 coming to pc? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter at @ Jeroen1988
