Upcoming Biden chief of staff on COVID vaccine introduction: ‘We inherit a huge mess’

New Chief of Staff to President-elect Biden, Ron KlainRon KlainBiden’s transition outlines executive actions for the first 10 days to deal with ‘growing crises’. Sunday Show Preview: Washington Prepares for Inauguration and Impeachment; coronavirus on the rise in the US The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden asks Congress to expand the largest relief effort in US history MORE, said his boss on Sunday that his boss had inherited a “huge mess” from the Trump administration when it comes to the US introduction of the COVID-19 vaccine.

“We inherit a huge mess here, Jake, but we have a plan to fix it. The president-elect announced that plan on Friday,” Klain told CNN. Jake TapperJacob (Jake) Paul Tapper Tapper fights GOP lawmakers over criticism of Afghan vet’s electoral college vote Kelly says Trump can’t admit he made mistakes: ‘His masculinity is at stake here’ ‘I saw my life Flashes Before My Eyes’: An Oral History of the Capitol Attack MORE on “State of the Union.”

Klain said a $ 20 billion effort to combat COVID-19 in the US, unveiled by the president-elect on Friday, would put the US on track to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

He said the incoming Biden government planned to take steps to increase both production and distribution of the two COVID-19 vaccines approved for emergency use in the US.

“We think there are things we can do to speed up the delivery of that vaccine, and to further increase that vaccination,” Klain said. “One thing the president-elect mentioned yesterday, for example, was using the Defense Production Act to ramp up production of a particular type of syringe that would allow us to get six doses of the vaccine from a vial instead of five.”

Klain added that despite concerns about the federal government’s running out of vaccines, the Biden team currently believes the US is on track to reach “100 million shots in 100 days” following Biden’s inauguration.

Biden labeled the Trump administration’s vaccine rollout a “dismal failure” in a speech Thursday and pledged to focus on both improving the infrastructure for vaccine distribution in the US and fighting skepticism about it. vaccine in some communities.

“The rollout of vaccines in the United States has been a dire failure so far,” Biden said Thursday. “This will be one of the most challenging operational endeavors we have ever undertaken as a nation. We will have to move heaven and earth to get more people vaccinated. “
