United States: Who’s going to pardon Donald Trump? – US and Canada – International

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, expect to broadcast approximately 100 pardons and commutation of sentences on his last day in office, January 20, which will not include him, according to the CNN network on Monday.

(You may be interested in: In the midst of an unprecedented crisis, Biden will take power in the US.).

The US media, claiming to have spoken to three people close to this issue, leniency programs include several “white collar” criminals and well-known rappers.

The White House, still under the chairmanship of Trump, held a meeting this Sunday to draft this list of pardons. The outgoing president, who signed numerous pardon and punishment conversions at a steady pace over Christmas, stopped doing so in the days before and after. the riots of January 6, when the attack on the Capitol took place.

(Read here: The Challenges Facing the New Head of the White House).

According to CNN, several Trump advisers assured that the president was on the Electoral College counting, preventing him from making final decisions about pardons.

Security in the Capitol

More than 20,000 National Guard members guard the perimeter of the Capitol for days before Joe Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday.


Stefani Reynolds. AFP

White House officials expected this work to resume after Jan. 6, however Trump decided not to do this after being blamed for inciting unrest. Initially, two lists of pardons had already been prepared, one late last week and one Tuesday.

Now officials hope that this last Sunday listing will be the only one left, unless Trump decides to pardon controversial allies, members of his family, or himself at the last minute.

According to CNN, the latest series of leniency actions is expected to include a combination of pardons aimed at criminal justice reform and more controversial pardons obtained or distributed among political allies.

(Further: Trump pardons more allies, including his son-in-law’s father).

The pardon is one of the elements Trump must complete before he ends his presidency and leaves it in the hands of the Democrat Joe Biden.

The January 6 riots that led to Trump’s second impeachment trial complicated his desire to forgive himself, his children, and his personal attorney. Rudy Giuliani or, at least, according to sources consulted by CNN.

Although there is always doubt in this regard as only Trump knows what he will do with his last presidential power before officially leaving office at noon on January 20.


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