United States is programming a lawsuit against drug lord Geovanny Fuentes

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- The federal court of the Southern District of New York scheduled the trial of the Honduran capo Geovanny Fuentes Ramirez

“The trial was scheduled for March 8, 2021 and the suspect is still in detention,” an official document from the District Court of New York.

The Honduran trial has drawn attention because the Manhattan prosecutor’s office raised legal arguments during the trial that would link current president Juan Orlando Hernández to drug trafficking.

SEE: New York City Prosecutor’s Report Confirms Investigation Against Juan Orlando

The presidential house has rejected the statements against the president.


During the development of the trial, a series of witnesses will be evacuated, including the kingpin Devis Leonel Rivera, head of the Los Cachiros cartel.

But the court also acknowledged the participation of a witness who has not been identified and who will testify under a pseudonym.

Fuentes Ramírez is reportedly responsible for smuggling hundreds of tons of cocaine into the United States and bribing police and military officials to avoid arrest.

He is said to have funded the current president’s political campaign.

“Mr. Fuentes Ramírez is innocent of the charges against him, and that suspicion remains with him during this trial unless and until he discovers at the end of the case that the government has proven his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,” said his lawyer. Avraham C. Moskowitz.

SEE: Presidential House for Allegations Against JOH: ‘It’s 100% False and Based on Criminals’ Lies’

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