U. Central Medicine Student Explains What Happened in Pharmacology Class

To Stefani M. She is the eighth semester student at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Central University, who received the screams from Professor José Augusto D., who went viral. From the age of five she wanted to become a doctor, her mother died a year later with cancer of the uterus. “In the last memories I have of her, I pretended to be a doctor,” she says.

On Thursday January 14, 2021, he spoke with EL COMERCIO. “Despite everything I feel quiet. I’ve never experienced anything like it mistreatment neither at home nor in classrooms. This time, what he says to me transcends the video that aired. I’ve never lied to him. I have no doubt it is so good doctorbut I didn’t get the chance meet the teacher which many talk about, since I did not receive any classes during this semester and the times he spoke to us he was pushy and rude. In this interview I want to thank you rector of the Central UniversityFernando Sempértegui; to the doctor Lucy Baldeón and especially for my colleagues. We never wanted this to become a topic to do controversyTo be clear, these things cannot happen. “

What happened before the two minutes and 29 seconds, in which part of the pharmacology class is being observed? The student tells them to make a presentation. She was part of a group of six companions. “We organized, everything was ready, I don’t know what happened at the last minute, but my partner disconnected. After I did, she had to show that I had already finished my role. Suddenly I noticed that. she cut herself off, he disconnected. I went on, just the week before we had another problem of that kind, the teacher said that the group should go as it is, that we should support each other. The problem didn’t have to be with me to be, I am not a liar, everyone in the chat was done, everything was divided. As they realized, I couldn’t imagine it ending like this; I didn’t answer anything, thank God, otherwise the story would have been different. “

Did she or her classmates yell or receive other forms of abuse from more teachers before what happened in class on Tuesday the 12th? Stefani never says. He admits that, like everyone else, he has received attention from teachers who have been respectful. “So I guess that’s why at the time of this lesson I didn’t know how to act. It’s the first time that has happened, thank god the video is cut because I ended up crying. Maybe some would have taken it as a joke. I knew. not how to act, I lowered my voice, I had never been exposed to this kind of situation, my father never raised his voice against me. I have had very good teachers, they have not resorted to these measures, they have not lost control of the faculty in these years ”.

Fifteen students They are part of this eighth semester group, who were confronted with the screams of the teacher telling the student hell; He yells at her not to raise her voice, but she always remains calm, in a very low voice. They practice in a hospital in Quito. “We felt tired, because it wasn’t the first time. That’s why everyone supported me and hated me. I feel good to see that from the start support from authorities. Dr. Lucy Baldeón, Student Welfare and the Rector shook our hands in an impressive way, the process was super agile. They opened many doors for us. Today we received the first lesson with the new one Pharmacology teacher“.

Stefani’s father has remained calm. He quickly entered his room when he heard the teacher’s screams from the living room on Tuesday afternoon. He even advised me not to hold a grudge; he tells me people make mistakes. ‘ Forgive him, even if he didn’t apologize. ‘

The girl assures you that she and her eighth semester classmates at Central University just want that people become aware about what abuse is in the classroom. “It is not good for someone to be arrogant and disrespectful. He will have his problems, you must have a calling to teach. I am happy to feel the support of colleagues from other faculties. Thank you all.”

The University Professor of Medicine was admitted when he insulted students during a virtual class in Ecuador.  Photo: Screenshot
