Tuscarawas County ER Doctor concerned about COVID-19 winter

An emergency room doctor at Cleveland Clinic Union Hospital in Dover hopes his staff can catch this winter’s coronavirus bump. The Tuscarawas County Hospital sees an average of about 40 COVID-19 patients per day.

According to NPR’s data on hospital admissions, the facility has 81% of adult hospital beds full, and more than half of them are coronavirus patients.

Dr. Nate Johnson has worked at Union Hospital ER for 15 years and heads the stroke unit. When asked about his current concerns about the coronavirus at his hospital, he replied, “On a scale of 0-10, I’m in an eight. I don’t know what a 10 would be, but I really don’t.” I don’t want to see it. “

Johnson says the number of people entering the emergency room in March, when the pandemic started, was lower than normal.

“Our volumes went from 125 patients per day to 60 or 70 patients per day,” he said. “And of those patients, maybe 30 a day, especially that first week, just came in for very mild symptoms of upper respiratory infection.”

At the time, Johnson said the hospital set up tents outside to test people for the virus, and patients avoided the ER.

“Since our biggest examples in the United States were New York City and Washington State, I think most people were really afraid of the disease,” he said. “People with these symptoms were afraid to physically enter the emergency department because people were so concerned about exposure to COVID-19.”

Now the number of patients coming in is higher, but still not at the level seen before COVID.

“We see about 90 patients a day,” said Johnson. “But of those patients, up to half are COVID-type patients. Either they know they have COVID and they come in because they are getting worse, or they have symptoms most likely related to COVID and diagnosed, or they are being diagnosed. diagnosed and they are very sick. “

Johnson says every aspect of the hospital is full, including the ICU and their outfitting departments. This has made the emergency room a place where patients have to stay longer.

“People come to the emergency room for something like a sprained ankle or something, and when they look around, it seems like there are patients all over the place and it seems like we are the busiest time we’ve ever had,” he said. “But it’s not a matter of numbers, it’s an intensity issue. They are really sick patients who take a long time to work up and then take a long time to get to bed.”

Johnson says another concern is that many nurses and technicians are sick, causing staff shortages. However, he says the workers have been steadfast.

“When this started in March, I thought, ‘We’re going to have a massive exodus of nurses and technicians.’ And the fact that these people show up every day is that we are so blessed to have some wonderful people in our hospital, ”said Johnson.

While running out of space is a concern, Johnson thinks they can handle the wave.

“Being part of the Cleveland Clinic system now, we get a lot of advice and best practices that trickle down,” he said. ‘And we have been very resourceful. We have opened beds that had not been used before and staffed them with caretakers. We always seem to make room. ‘

Johnson says he still has optimism. In addition to the COVID-19 vaccine starting to arrive in Ohio, he says his days don’t seem so daunting.

“I’ve felt better in my last few shifts, and maybe that’s why I’m starting to see more traditional medical problems,” he said. “We’re starting to see strokes and heart attacks. It’s not just COVID. It’s amazing how every day I think the next shift is going to be terrible, and I’m showing up for that next shift and it’s tough, but the ceiling doesn’t fall. in. “

Johnson says he is grateful for the support of the community.

“When I came here 15 years ago, I really didn’t know this community,” he said. “They really support us, and it really makes you feel good when you come in. And it gives you a sense of ownership.”
