Trump works overtime to bring the GOP with him

President Donald Trump has spent his final weeks in office as he has in previous years, burning the relationships that have supported his growth in power.

In recent days, the president has held primaries against top-tier Republicans, government officials who were permanent allies, threatened with large bills drawn up in conjunction with his team, and called in officials who would not help him hold on to power. In the White House, the response to all this has become increasingly alarming, coupled with resignation, this is the modus operandi of the 45th US president. Trump’s deep self-interest is no secret. But never before has that trait been so visible against a background so consistent, with its legal team and administration attacking democratic processes so blatantly anti-democratic.

The president spent much of the Christmas weekend [at Mar-a-Lago] talk about other Republicans who didn’t do what he wanted and acted like failures and defeatists, ”said a person who attended his private Florida club and who was on the receiving end of his grievances. Even behind closed doors, the source said, “he didn’t think much to be happy this Christmas.”

You don’t want to date him like that. It’s not like being in a bunker at the end of WWII. You are in Crazy Town.

Sam Nunberg, a former Trump political adviser

But Trump’s actions also raise questions about his future. And they have – again – highlighted the fundamental paradox behind his political rise: how can one burn so many bridges and end up not being alone?

“He’s no longer the famous magnate tycoon as he was in New York, and now he’s part of … that exclusive Jimmy Carter, George HW Bush [one term president] club, ”said Sam Nunberg, a Trump supporter and former political adviser. “He didn’t handle this in a way that would have helped him maintain this power base he now had to go through by going through conspiracy theories and handing over the wallet to two bumbling idiots in Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell … Right away with him. It’s not like being in a bunker at the end of WWII. You’re in Crazy Town. “

Trump has always shaped himself as somewhat of an iconoclast. His brashness was noticeable even in 1980s New York City. His love for attention made him a gauche among his contemporaries. He first considered running for independent president. And even when he secured the nomination of the Republican Party, it happened in the context of a hostile takeover.

One surprise of his tenure is that he stuck to a traditional Republican agenda. But Trump was never really part of the party, at least in no way recognizable to someone like his second-in-command Mike Pence. Nor was he a traditional politician. He showed no loyalty to his aides or fellow GOP lawmakers, or his cabinet members. He fired people via Twitter, mocked his opponents of the GOP, fled from his apostates, and punished the leadership if they didn’t agree.

And yet, even by those standards, insiders have found the past few days shocking for their destructiveness. Trump has attacked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for admitting Joe Biden is president-elect; he is threatened against First Senator John Thune (RS.D.) for not agreeing to attempts to block the certification of the election; he ousted Attorney General Bill Barr for not doing enough to tilt the election with departmental resources; He has incited his White House counsel, Pat Cipollone, for not supporting authoritarian initiatives such as seizure of voting machines; and he struck a deal to give Morocco an annexation of Western Sahara, in part in retaliation against Senator James Inhofe (an opponent of annexation), who wouldn’t use a major defense law to deal with social media giants like Trump. He has attacked the Republican leadership in Georgia as the state prepares for a second election that could take control of the US Senate.

Most recently, he took a torch to a COVID bill that his own Treasury Secretary had negotiated and threatened not to sign a government funding bill for provisions that largely matched requests made by his own budget office. And for those who have complained that his behavior was erratic and highly problematic, he has held out two giant middle fingers.
