Trump to claim full control of GOP with first post-presidency speech

In his first post-presidential appearance, Donald Trump plans to send the message next weekend that he is the Republicans’ “presumptive 2024 nominee” with a vice on the party’s base, Trump’s best allies tell Axios.

What to watch: A former adviser called Trump’s speech a “effort” and said the message will be, “I may not have Twitter or the Oval Office, but I’m still in charge.” Repayment is his biggest obsession.

Axios has learned Trump advisers will meet him this week in Mar-a-Lago to plan his next political moves and set up the machinery for making a king in the midterms of 2022.

  • Trump is expected to stir up primary challenges for some of those who crossed him, and spread money and approvals on the Trumpiest candidates.
  • State level officials, Fresh from blaming Trump critics, be ready to support him.

Why it matters: Trump’s speech Sunday at CPAC in Orlando aims to show that he controls the party whether he is running or not in 2024.

  • His advisers argue that his power within the GOP runs deeper and wider than ever, and that no power can dampen him.
  • Trump effective is the Republican Party, “Trump senior adviser Jason Miller told me.” The only rift is between Beltway insiders and grassroots Republicans across the country. When you attack President Trump, you attack the Republican base. “

The big picture: The few Republicans who have spoken badly about Trump since the election – including members of the House who voted to impeach him, and senators who voted to convict – have been condemned, challenged and vilified by the parties in their home state.

What’s next: Trump’s leadership PAC, Save America, has $ 75 million on hand, and he has a database of tens of millions of names.

The Long Game: Many Trump confidants think he will pretend to run, but he will succeed in the end. He knows that opportunity – or threat – gives him power and attention.

A Trump source some Republicans said to him, “If you support me, I’ll run.”

  • But advisers say it won’t work. This week’s meeting is meant to put the brakes on.
  • Instead, Trump is going to initiate a formal process for evaluating potential underwriters, including requiring them to fundraise and set up an organization.

What we look at: Trump intends to argue in the CPAC speech that many of his predictions about President Biden have already come true.

  • Look for Trump to lie in “the swamp” and insiders of the Beltway extensively.
  • The Trump source said: “As in 2016, we are tackling Washington again.”
