Trudeau emphasizes “disappointment” with Keystone XL in first official conversation with Biden

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his “disappointment” over President Biden’s executive order to revoke permits for the Keystone XL pipeline on Friday, reading the president’s first official appeal with a foreign leader.

Why it matters: The prime minister has long supported the pipeline intended to transport crude oil from Alberta to Nebraska. However, Biden campaigned for the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.

What he says: In a press conference earlier Friday, Trudeau said, “We have so much alignment – not just me and President Biden, but Canadians and President Biden.” He added, “I really look forward to working with President Biden.” the New York Times.

  • However, on the call, Trudeau raised “Canada’s disappointment with the United States’ decision on the Keystone XL pipeline,” the reading said.
  • “The Prime Minister underlined the important benefits of our bilateral energy relations in terms of economy and energy security, as well as his support for energy workers.”

The big picture: The pipeline project originally had a price tag of $ 8 billion and would transport approximately 830,000 barrels of crude oil from Canada through Nebraska daily, according to The Washington Post.

  • Although President Obama rejected the pipeline, President Trump gave the green light when he was in office.
  • Lawsuits slowed construction of the project across the Trump administration.
  • Two Native American communities last year sued the government over the pipeline, accusing the government of not consulting with tribes about the proposed path of the pipeline, which traverses tribal lands.
  • License revocation is one of many “critical first steps to addressing the climate crisis, creating good trade union jobs and promoting environmental justice, while reversing the previous government’s harmful policies,” said the Biden government. .

In their Friday call, the two leaders discussed cooperation on COVID vaccines and the flow of essential medical supplies, efforts to work with indigenous peoples and plans to address climate change through cross-border clean electricity transmission and net zero emissions.

  • “Both leaders have placed fighting climate change, defending human rights and strengthening international institutions at the heart of their platforms,” writes the Times.
  • “The leaders reiterated their firm commitment to multilateral institutions and alliance,” the lecture said.

Flashback: In 2017, Trudeau touted the Keystone XL pipeline, saying, “No country would find 173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and just leave them there. The resource will be developed. Our job is to ensure that this is done responsibly. , safe and durable. ”

Go deeper: Biden talks about climate in appeals with foreign leaders
