Treasury files draft plan with IRS to distribute $ 1,400

Treasury Secretary Francisco Parés Alicea reported that before President Joe Biden signed the $ 1,400 stimulus package, the agency had already submitted the draft distribution plan to the IRS.

His announcement comes less than an hour after Biden signed and signed the American Rescue Plan.

“The new federal economic stimulus package became law, and before @GovPierluisi’s call for urgency, we already submitted the draft $ 1,400 utility distribution plan to @IRSnews,” wrote Parés Alicea.

The total amount to be disbursed by the treasury to the citizens is $ 3.5 billion.

“This morning I told them we would deliver a draft distribution plan as soon as it became law,” the secretary continued.

Earlier, Parés Alicea explained that the Treasury would start distributing the money in the next 3 to 4 weeks, “during which the IRS approves the plan.”

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