Trabajadora de la salud sufre reacción alérgica grave tras recibir vacuna Pfizer and EEUU

Una trabajadora sanitaria in Alaska as a reacción alérgica grave después de recibir la vacuna contra el covid-19 from Pfizer-BioNTech and a hospitalization, pero estable, separated from the informal divulgado el miércoles.

The New York Times reports a personal account of one time, or another, confirming that the investigation into the location of the investigation into the incident took place.

“There is no data on Alaska information data on possible reloads of the Alaska Earls, but is also available with a location for evaluation,” a statement and a statement from Pfizer.

“Monitoring the validity of the information you can find with the following information about the graves of the vacancy and the update and the text of the etiquette and the rest of the world”, general.

Detach volunteers who attend Pfizer’s private clinic, totaling 44,000 persons, exclusively and firstly, there are some of the available parts and part of the 19th century ammunition.

In general, there are no problems with the counts of the seguridad, the regularity and the constant surveillance of the affairs is the vacunación.

The trabajadores de la salud and the Gran Bretaña are comparable to similar ones, the provocation of the nación europea recomendara a la población with evitara recibir or vacuna and tenían antecedentes de alergias graves.

The food and medicaments of Estados Unidos, the FDA, an emergency call for an inmunizante with a personal and personal experimental experience and a single ingredient from the vacuna deben evitarla.

Estados Unidos empezó esta semana a aplicar and unos tres tres de personas esa vacuna and espera llegar a un a total of 20 millones de personas este mes en se aprueba otro inmunizante, el desarrollado por el laboratorio estadounidense Moderna.
