This is what Gabriel Soto asked Televisa to make his new telenovela

Next Monday, January 18 starts with The stars the soap ‘Do you remember me’, the new telenovela that Gabriel Soto will star next to Fatima Molina.

However, we learned from a person in the production that the actor has asked the executive producer for a special request, Carmen Armendariz, and has your own personal acting coach.

although Gabriel Soto It has more than 20 years of experience, so far it has been the eye of the hurricane for a few years as it has been strongly pointed out that it is a bad actor.

Worried clean up that bad image and in order to perfect his soap opera projection, and above all to convince viewers that he is a good actor, he has resorted to the help of acting experts in his latest projects.

In this new project it is no exception, as the one most interested in supporting it is exactly the producer, Carmen Armendariz, who, after announcing that he would be the lead, received hundreds of them criticism for including it.

Therefore, she supported him in this decision, that he was supported and guided in each of his scenes by a personal teacher who has not separated himself from the actor since the beginning of the shooting and supports him in perfecting acting techniques.

Therefore, it is likely that in this new telenovela we will have one Gabriel Soto more dedicated to his character and with a lot more interpretation tables.

The actor has had the chance to star in melodramas that have become a success, such as: ‘The way of love’, ‘I do not believe in men’, ‘Fall into temptation’.
