This is the healthy diet to follow to prevent colon cancer

Today, the day when the World Colon Cancer Day, We take this opportunity to emphasize the importance of a healthy diet to reduce the risk of this disease. And it is that colon cancer is a type of cancer that, while it can be genetic, too is closely related to the food we eat

– Symptoms and prevention of colon cancer, the disease from which Pau Donés died

A healthy food, with fresh and ‘real’ food It is most recommended for our digestive system to function properly. Likewise, not skipping doctor visits and population screening, by detecting blood in the stool and performing colonoscopies, can prevent or timely detect the disease to avoid death.

We spoke with the dietitian and nutritionist Luis Cabañas, secretary of the Official College of Dietitian-Nutritionists of the Valencian Community (CODiNuCoVa), who gives us all nutritional guidelines to maintain our health and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

– Do you know what colon cancer is? This test will help you to know

How does diet affect our colon cancer risk?

The increased risk of consuming red meat and meat that was not fresh (or processed) was well known. The barbecues, the alcohol, the burned… are processes or products that increase the risk of colon cancer, and this is said by observational studies, meta-analyzes and biological plausibility, the latter being the most important, meaning that something that happens in the laboratory, it also happens in real life.

– Cancer: Red meat and processed meat can cause cancer
