They propose to give papers to undocumented migrants with more than 5 years in the US.

Washington, United States.

Republican Representative to Florida (USA) Maria Elvira Salazar defended this Monday in Yumi his dignity plan, a proposal for immigration reform that, if approved, would make it possibles undocumented residents for more than 5 years in the country to work legally and afterwards 10 yearss, then choose the citizenship.

“It’s not special treatment. All we ask for is dignity to keep working “Salazar said at a press conference in which he discussed the points of the bill passed in the House last week by a group of Republicans.

The bill would give legal status for undocumented migrants living in the country, while strengthening the border securitya, proposes a reform of the system from asylum and grants “permanent protection” known as “dreamers” or “dreamers”, that is, more than 2 million young people brought to this country by their parents when they were underage.

“We want secure the border with all available technology (…) and reform the asylum laws so that they are only granted to those who actually have a need for it political asylum “, said the Cuban-American congressman of Cuban descent.

The Immigration Reform Program within the Dignity Plan includes all undocumented migrants who “more than five years, have American children, have paid them taxes and have not committed no crime “, added the 59-year-old ex-journalist.

After ten years immigrants those seeking citizenship would have paved the way for what Salazar called the “path of” Salvation”, that is, “take advantage of it, correct past mistakes, pay a fine and get in line”.

“But in the meantime, they have dignity “, emphasized.

See: The US congressman denounces the “terrible conditions” of migrant children

He complained at the press conference against the Democrats that “they have presented an immigration reform – he affirmed – that they know it can never become law and they don’t even have the votes within their party” to move forward.

“We are fed up false promises and we want those 11 million undocumented siblings to be treated with a word called ‘dignity'”, he pointed.

The Republican congressman represents in the Capitol to the county Miami-Dade, qeu with about 2.8 million inhabitants is the most populated Florida and most affected by the pandemic in the state. EFE
