They find reason against a man who stalked a young man who denounced him via networks

The Justice Department filed charges of escalation and stalking last night, Friday, following the arrest of Dariel Bravo Rivera by police.

Carolina District Court Judge Larisa Ortiz found reason for arresting Dariel Bravo Rivera, 30, for violation of Section 194 (2012) of the Criminal Code and Law 284, Section 4, Subsection B1 (1999), related to escalation and stalked, respectively, and imposed a total bail bond of $ 90,000, after which he ordered his admission to the Bayamón Correctional Complex

Bravo Rivera was denounced by the young Victoria Pizarro Ayala, 19, via a live video on social networks, in which he claimed to be the victim of a pattern of stalking by the man and said he had entered the balcony from her home and tried to open the door while she was alone.

As a result of the public complaint, the police commissioner, Antonio López Figueroa, activated the existing protocol yesterday morning, which led to the arrest of the man overnight in a residence in Río Piedras by several agents from the Carolina Domestic Violence Division and the Trujillo Alto. barracks, led by Lieutenant Luis A. Rivera García and Agent Juan Ramos Rivera.

As explained by the investigating prosecutor, Loraine Pietri Colón, the prosecution has been working with the Puerto Rico police since last night to determine the filing of charges. “After examining the evidence and testimony, we decided to bring one charge of escalation and another of stalking to court this afternoon. Judge Ortiz placed $ 45,000 bail on each of the two charges. The defendant was not eligible for deferred bail, for which he was taken to Bayamón prison this afternoon. The preliminary hearing was scheduled for March 9, ”he said.

Justice Minister Domingo Emanuelli assured that the public prosecutor’s office is committed to this case, as well as any other case that endangers a woman’s life and safety.

“According to the Executive Order issued by the governor, our team of prosecutors is acting diligently in these types of situations,” said the Attorney General.

“At the Puerto Rico Police Department, we have zero tolerance for any form of aggression against women and gender violence. We will release the necessary resources to conduct any research related to this modality, ”said Commissioner López Figueroa.

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