They criticize Fernando Carrillo for sleeping his baby on a guitar

On March 10 through their social networks, Fernando Carrillo He announced his second-time fatherhood as a result of his romantic relationship with architect María Gabriela Rodríguez, 30 years his junior.

Since that day, the actor has not stopped sharing his day child, which drives him crazy with love, so this time it was no exception.

Through social networks, the soap opera gallantly shared a very intimate moment with its prince, to whom he was one song, that was sung with a lot of love, an act that gave something to talk about.

“Milo beloved son. I ask God that your dream will always be such a magical world and that you can achieve everything you can dream of, with GOD and your discipline. We love your beautiful son.”

In the video you can see Carrillo play guitarwhile her son sleeps on her, something internet users didn’t seem like, as they called him an irresponsible father.

Fernando Carrillo enrages fans

“Fernando the baby with a sound so close to his ear can hurt him and make him nervous, in the future it is a good idea, but not on top of the guitar that way”, “It makes me sad to see such little baby sleeps like this, and with that sound in his ear, unfortunately he cannot express what he thinks and feels, his parents decide how he sleeps, how he eats and how he lives … The baby should sleep in his crib in a comfortable and soft place with as little noise as possible ”.

To date, the footage has more than 65,793 reproductions.

Fernando Carrillo enrages fans
