“They can’t cause a hangover, even if it is”

1 | 30/01/2021 – 7:12 AM (GMT-4)

The Audi brand car you own Limay White in Havana he continues to annoy him and occasionally give him headaches.

While last week a truck hit the vehicle in the back when he was about to leave a parking lot and had trouble fixing the radiator a few days ago, now the comedian has had another accident with his white copy of the German house.

While driving at night through one of the streets of the capital, Muñi Muñi, as the comedian is also called, accidentally fell into one of the millions of potholes in the city with the Audi.

After the collision, the damage to various parts of the Audi was more than evident due to the low height of the vehicle. The front of the fender was cracked from the impact and one of the tires suffered several chafes.

As if it is not enough Limay White he had to find them to support the motor that was also taking damage and eventually pulled on the Cuban invention by putting in some wires that would act as a support to get out of the way.

The comedian wanted to let his followers participate in the awkward and unpleasant moment he was going through and recorded a video that he later uploaded to his Instagram account showing the pit he was immersed in, as well as the various breakdowns of the car .

Further, Limay White He took the opportunity to denounce the hole in the street, claiming that accidents like the one he could have been avoided simply by posting a driver’s warning sign.

“Look at the pit these. They can’t hang a pussy mark, not even. Look how I cracked all this and I had to tie this part with a thread. What a great compadre! Cunt that can be damn dissolved with a little bit of cement,” the popular comedian said angrily.

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